Strange Tourists & Granparents

We walked hand in hand, sharing my umbrella (it’s rather hot in Korea and I didn’t want to burn) and I tried to use the Korean I’ve been learning. The nice woman walked with me to the docks, her husband leading the way. AHHAHAHA. I need to stop. Tricked you didn’t I. Mom & Christal,  you that I was holding hands with a Korean guy didn’t you.  HAHAHAHA!

I remember the stories my grandparents told us from their vacations. A few times a young tourist would latch on to my grandparents, practice their English, take pictures together… or just follow them around.

Well I made it to Gapyeong, but it was a holiday and for some reason the bus for the harbour/ docks was coming every 40 min and the hundred or so people in front of me always made it on first. A good 50 so young people just started walking, some headed to Jara Island others to Nami. Earlier I asked this nice older women if the one bus that was coming was going to Nami Island, she seemed a bit afraid but her husband cut in and told me to wait. I saw them in the crowd of 50 or so people, so i did what any dignified person would. Chase after them. They told me to follow them and I did. I eventually made it.

I remembered the my grandparents and their story. I realized that I am that strange tourist but incredibly thankful for the kindness I receive.

To Be Loved And To Love

Are you loved?

Not romantically speaking. Do you know that you are loved? In life, know that you are so loved. I know that I am loved. Because I have experienced it from my father (& mother). In a broken world where so many people are hurt, I was taught that there is one who loves unconditionally, God the Father.

I grew up with great male role models. Of course not every person is good. Certainly not every man is an upstanding gentleman. And I am writing because I am reminded of this too frequently. I was taught that all people are sinners and unworthy of God’s presences (Romans 3:10). But I was also taught that through the love of God he ransomed his people. I grew up understanding that I was made in the image of God. That I was made to be loved, cared for, treasured, cherished, and respected. But not everyone believes this about me. Living in a different country, a country much different than my own, using a different language than my own, missing the last bus and walking home, I was reminded not everyone sees me as a valuable human being. In that moment I realized I didn’t have my dad as a backup. Whenever there was a problem with a less than upstanding gentlemen my Dad was literally a phone call away and was always there (rather quickly).

I can’t say I was scared in this situation, this may be due to my overconfidence. I wasn’t scared that my dad and bother weren’t there. I was annoyed. Annoyed that, because I am a women, walking home alone is an unpleasant experience (mildly put). I am annoyed because I believe I should be loved. I am annoyed because I believe I should be treasured.  I am annoyed because I believe (more like demand) to be respected. I am annoyed that I am always ready to defend myself (more accurately body check… those are what my hips were made for right??). I’ve grown tired. I feel like it’s time for me to relax and not worry. But I am not in a position to do so. I look forward to the day when I am safe. Running into my father’s arms is the safest I’ve ever felt. I expect I will do the same when I make it to Heaven.

For now, since its father’s day, I want to thank you dad. For teaching me that I am loved. Thank you for teaching me what a true gentleman is like. Thank you for going with me to Judo classes. Most of all, thank you for teaching me that my confidence is in Christ. That through God I am unconditionally loved, and in response to love I have received I am now to love those around me.

Thank you & Happy Father’s Day!

Loneliness –Swept Away and Brought Back

Have you felt homesick before? Are you lonely? Are you alone? What even is homesickness? What does it mean to be alone?

What is loneliness??? I feel all alone, am I? There are times when I miss my family. The people that love me, the people that raised me and the ones I grew up with. There are times when I miss my friends the ones who I have shared with, studied with, played with.  I miss the people I have come to love and I miss the people that I have loved from the very start.

Is there a difference between being alone and loneliness? Being in a different country, culture and not speaking the language it can feel at times that I am all alone in the universe. It’s such a weird feeling to see people and yet not be able to interact with them, to feel completely alone yet be surrounded by civilization. There is no one else like me, I look so much different than everyone else, it’s incredibly difficult to make friends, and even more difficult to make friends in my small town. It seems only natural to be sad in my loneliness, a big white outcast (literally haha!) I can easily get swept away by these emotions, but thankfully it is just as easy to be brought back.

At the local café I frequent (Café Rabbit in Maseok/ 마석 yehh!!) I made a friend with a Barista. We were talking throughout the week and planning to meet up on the weekend. She reminded me that I only have been in Korea 1 ½ months and it takes time to find friends. Now logically I am clearly not alone as this wonderful Barista befriended me and helps me with my Korean. However in my sadden state it was Thursday and we weren’t meeting till Saturday (yeh in hindsight it was only two days). BUT two whole days that was like a light-year away and I was wallowing in my despair. I needed human connection right then, I needed my mom, I needed my dad, I needed my siblings, I needed my friends. (This of course was all taking place as I walked to the bus stop). It just kind’ve hits you like a wave and as the water recedes you attempt an escape only for the ripe tide to wash over you and drag you out to the middle of the ocean where you feel even more abandoned, scared, and alone. And as I walked to the bus stop this is what I felt, alone. Not lonely, but alone.

But just as I felt alone and abandoned at sea, an 85 year old lady hobbling along, cane in hand, came to my resucue, she came to bring me back.  Bring me back to a place of comfort, to a realization of how loved I am, and regardless of language and cultural barrier she came to remind me that I am not alone, I may simply be just lonely. In a sense she was the fisherman. And as I was dragged out to sea, about to lose consciousness, she pulled me out of the water, set me beside a fire, gave me a hot cup of earl grey tea, and hugged me until I felt safe. In a moment of wallowing in loneliness it only took but one fell swoop of the most  unlikeliest of hobbits…ermmm sorry I meant the most unlikeliest of people, the 할머니 (Grandmother) that hobbled along with her cane.

She looked at me. She looked me up. and then down. And then she looked at me. She said: 어디가 (where are you going)?  My response: 차산리 (Chasan-ri). 어디서왔어(Where are you from)? 저는 캐나다 사람입니다. (I’m a Canadian).  Then she said what I am sure was the most profound thing in the world but of course with my limited Korean all I heard was blah blah blah. blah blah blah blah blah blah 어머blah blah blah.  To which I raised my hands shrugged and said몰라요 (I don’t know). She looked at me. She grabbed my hand, pulled it out towards her, then reached out her hand, clasped mine and shook it.  Most unexpectedly she proceeded to pull me in with the force of a ripe tide (I suspect only Korean할머니’s have this ability) and wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. Then she looked at me, smiled and said goodbye. And folks that is human connection.  To be brought back just as easy as I was swept way, I am thankful. It reminded me that I am not alone, just lonely at times.

I am reminded that I am loved.

Friends you are loved. Wait. Let that sink in. No, no but’s. Just simply, you are loved.

The day everyone found out.

Have you ever had a secret that you hoped no one would ever find out? Something you hid from the world? You’d go about your daily life wondering if people knew. I do. It’s been so long since I’ve been afraid and had to face my inadequacies.  I started to think I didn’t have to hide. But my world came crashing down, like a train barreling down the tracks it hit me, it ran me over, I didn’t even see it coming. If I did, I wouldn’t have been able to move. Yes this may be a bit dramatic but it is what I felt, experienced, 26 years buildup to crumble in such an unexpected moment. I’ve moved to Korea. I am on the hunt for a church. I’ve visited a couple. I was attending membership classes to join one church. At the end of the class they had a test, a page long test about their church.

At the beginning of the class the pastor said pay attention because there’s a test at the end. My heart dropped. Why? Because I knew I would fail. I told myself it was okay, it’s probably an easy test, and it’s not like they’re expecting you to memorize the entire membership book. It’s not like they’re going to only accept the correct words, they’d understand if you put a different word that had the same meaning.  And then I received the test. I was wrong, it was worse than I expected. I read the first three questions. Then I read them again. And again. And again. I froze. The answers I did know I couldn’t write. The rest I forgot. I failed. I got an email saying I had failed and I could re-write.  I failed. I failed. I failed. I failed. I failed.

The thing is, it may take five tries before I pass, if I ever do. You see I have a learning disability-NOS (not otherwise specified). You may be more familiar with dyslexia (it is also a learning disability).  What does this mean? Am I stupid? My immediate response is yes. But this I have learned is an unhealthy view, because it’s not true. I remind myself that I am not. But the thing is, I’ve never really believed it. All the voices over the years that tell me I’m stupid, I adamantly respond with a no. I am brilliant. I am smart. I am a strong and stubborn women. I am educated. I have a university education. I have wisdom. I am a force to be reckoned with. In some ways I am smarter than you. In other ways I am no smarter than a ten year old. I am slow in some areas. It is frustrating. There are some things I can’t grasp, they feel like they are within reach but they just aren’t. It makes me mad. I ask myself why I am so stupid. I ask myself what’s wrong with me. I ask God why he made me this way.

For some time I have been seen as a knowledgeable professional, because I am. I haven’t been bullied in so long for being slow. I haven’t been made to feel like I was stupid or inferior. But you see I failed this test. And in one unexpected moment I was made to feel stupid and inadequate. Not by anything the church did (expect for having a test). If the assessment process was different I could pass.

I want so desperately to find a church to worship God, and have a community of believers. I was told I could re-write the test. I laughed inside. You see there is this story in the bible (John 5) about a lame man. For over 30 years he was trying to get healed by getting into the pool at Bethesda. There was however a slight problem, HE WAS LAME. He couldn’t walk. This guy named Jesus comes along and says “Hey want to be healed”. I can only imagine the guy looking back at Jesus with a glare like “Uh yah, of course, but can’t you see, I’M LAME, I CAN’T WALK”. Jesus ends up healing him.  Can you feel his frustration though? For over 30 years he has been so close to this pool, this healing life giving pool, almost within grasp but never can actually attain it, because of the way he was created. It is so frustrating, desiring to be a member of a church, wanting to be a part of the community, seeing the need for spiritual discipleship that I could have, but I can’t pass this test and attain it (the social worker in me says, barrier. Fight for the rights of the disabled. You’re not the only one, advocate for change in the assessment process). GRHHHHHH. This is where the similarity ends between the two stories. God’s not healing me. It’s been 26 years. Do I need more faith? No. Do I need to confess sin? No.  God is not going to heal me, and at this point I prefer it that way. Why?

In John 5, regarding the man born blind, the disciples asked Jesus who sinned, him (blind man) or his parents. Jesus responded “neither he nor his parents sinned. He was born blind that my works should be manifest in him”. WOW!!! After coming home to my apartment, crying a bit, and asking God once again why He created me like this, He reminded me of the passage in John 5. As John Calvin wrote in the West Minister Confession of Faith “What is the chief end of man? To glorify God, and enjoy Him forever.  So I have been created to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Like the man born blind, God knit me together in my mother’s womb, He created me with a learning disability that He would be glorified, that His works would be manifested in me. Paul had an infirmity and we learn that many throughout scripture had inadequacies, disabilities, weaknesses etc.  I don’t pray to get healed. I pray that the God who created me with a learning disability, that his works should be manifested in me, that the people I come in contact with will encounter the same love and grace which he has lavished on me.

And that is what I have learned in Korea.

Seouljourn to Korea

Oh! I’m sorry did I write Seouljourn I totally meant sojourn ㅋㅋ!! By they way did you know Seoul is the capital and largest city in South Korea. Why all this talk about Korea?? Well, I’m moving to Korea!!! Yeh! I just finished up my paperwork and I am super excited about the next phase of my life.

going to korea

Tales of the Past

It’s been a hot summer week, one that in Canada most people are not accustomed to, it actually reached 40 Celsius. WOW!    I have had the fortune of working in an air conditioned building, however I could not escape the blistering heat for long. Eventually I would return home having to brave the unbearable weather.  It has been some long tough night’s sleeping in a scorching room that might as well be a sauna. (Okay so maybe I’m taking some creative liberties with this story but you understand!)  The week passed quickly and Saturday morning arrived. It was a hot, 31C to be exact.  It was “suppose” to be a relaxing and dull morning, filled with genius ways on how to stay cool.  What was I thinking, I’m Amberlea, there is no way my life can be dull even when I try, so I apologize in advance to my eldest sister, as this is  the story of how I was not abducted by aliens:

On a hot July 23 day, I had decided the best way to stay cool was to be in water. Luckily not hard task to accomplish as I live a rough 6 -8 km from Lake Ontario. A quick drive to the Lake takes all but two minutes. As my dad and I were the only one’s home we decided we’d bring our dog and cool off together. I insisted on first getting exercise so we both agreed that I would jog about 5 min into town and then my dad would pick me up and from there we would go to the Lake. Now before I go further I should explain that there are two ways to get to the Lake. The first way, The Scenic Route, which my family would take when we were young.  The “scenic route” goes through the country side, forests and farm lands, where there are no washrooms, phone’s or shade for ALL 6 km, so it’s a good thing we’ve always drove. (Yah I think you know where this story is headed). The second route is on the main road, it goes through town, where there are plenty of people, pay phones, and police, arguably the safest and ideal route. So what did I do? Yes, you guessed it I went the exact opposite way, I took The Scenic Route. Once I realized the mistake I made it was already too late to turn back. So why on earth did I go the opposite way???  Well considering what I’m majoring in and that I have had over five different psych courses, I will argue Pavlov’s theory. Yes a case of classical conditioning! (Wiki it, if you don’t understand!) As a child I always took that route so it was instinctive to take that route.

6 ½ km later I made it to the Lake. My legs felt like jelly, I was hot and sweaty, smelly and gross. I flopped down and sluggishly rolled into the lake to cool off. Yes that was a literal rolling into the Lake, I didn’t really care what anyone else would think of me. I soon laid my body up against a nearby log that had been swept up onto the shore line.

Meanwhile my Pops had been looking for me for over two hours. Fearing the worst, he frantically phoned my mother at work and some people from the church.  He talked with the Pastor and then proceeded to contact 911. He told dispatch that he wanted to report a missing person; they took down my info and then said that someone would be phoning back in a while. Within 6 min two police cruisers roared into our drive way. My dad still being on the phone went out to greet the police and ended the call with the police hearing the tail end of the conversation. What you may not know is that on the other end of the phone was our Pastor, who formerly had been a police officer and tactical force instructor, therefore training a fair number of police in our municipality. The two officers asked if that was Jacques on the phone, the answer yes. We all have people we look up to, our Super Hero’s, but I just can’t get the picture out of my head Pastor by day super cop by night.  I think it would make a great comic book. Imagine, Pastor Jacques in his office listening to an old police scanner, sitting back in his chair, feet resting on the desk, sipping coffee, while reading the bible. Hehe!

The two officers took info and asked questions, “does she drink, do drugs, jealous boyfriend” blah blag blah, all of which my dad answered correctly, no, no, no, no.

…At the Lake, after resting my legs, I thought it best to find the nearest payphone. Being a small town there are only two payphones, the closest still 2-3 km away. I set off for the main intersection where the payphone was located. My legs tired, hair wet, and my body heating up, but knowing I was only 1 km away in my head I ran to chariots of fire, it was epic. The sun beating down, and my legs staggering, trying to trudge this exhausted body on, I saw a white chariot headed towards me, also known as the white broken down Nissan my mother drives. Half bent over stumbling along the roadway I frantically waived my hands through the air, pulling up beside I quickly fell into the seat, and sighed, “Dad never picked me up”.  In response, my mother chuckled, “that’s because he’s busy filling out a missing person’s report”… after that I let out another sigh, and rested my tired body. On the 2 min drive home my mother flagged down some police officers, let them know she found me and they followed us home. I was tired but safe. I gave both my families quite a scare; the families I refer to are my biological family and my church family. I arrived home to hugs and happiness.

My body aches and has a red tinge to it, but other than that it will heal.

And that my friend is how I was not abducted by aliens.

P.S… My sister thought I should’ve told everyone I was abducted by aliens, trying this before I thought it wise to not say a word of aliens for fear that my loved one’s might think that I was indeed severely affected by the heat!

Can’t wait to see what next weekend holds!

The End


“I did not become acquainted with my friends through a quick flash of effortless insight; they are far too complicated for me to come to know them easily. They do not simply conform to my expectations as if they were characters I was making up out of my head. They are complex, subtle, nuanced, sometimes baffling, but always unmistakably themselves. Getting to know them means getting to know these hard edges, the rich and varied traits they have quite independently of whether I happen to find out about them, traits that I may discover but do not create”.